LEVEL 1.3 : Advanced beginner

You have surfed more than a couple of days by now and understand the wave and board mechanics and you feel comfortable in the water most of the time.
You have more control on catching the waves and your stance, but only able to go straight.

At this stage we focus on:
– Reviewing the basics of level 1.1 & 1.2
– Working on wave reading and positioning in the line up
– Improving on the angle take off and stance
– Learning the basics of trimming on a wave

We’re in the process of moving to a beautiful new location, 1km only to Nyang Nyang beach (closer to Uluwatu iconic surf spots)!

OUR NEW RETREAT WILL OPEN ON April 15th, and bookings from that date are already available. We can’t wait to welcome you soon! :)

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